Women Safe Home

Well of Hope safe home is a program under Wells of Hope Ministries where women that are being released from incarceration and cannot immediately go back to their communities can find shelter.

Our History

While Wells of Hope ministries conducted a research that was to aid in the documentation of Uganda’s first ever Re-entry guide, a booklet that is meant to offer information to people in prison about how to access the basic needs and services during and after incarceration like medical care, education, obtaining a national ID, getting a passport and many others. The researchers found out that one of the basic needs is housing. It was a challenge to identify any reliable form of housing that a person that is leaving prison can go to. And yet, as a vast number of individuals shared – both the ones that had previously been released and those still in incarceration, one would require a place to go to especially on the release day as they embrace their new found freedom and as they prepare for a life after prison. Whereas both men and women face challenges resettling back in their communities, the research showed that given their vulnerability women are more disadvantaged and can hardly manoeuvre through their communities unlike their male counterparts. The men, are often easily accepted in their communities and homes which Is the direct opposite for the women. This often leads the women to be the common victims of recidivism as they often go back to the crimes that had them incarcerated before as they try to seek for survival.

How to get Involved

Well of Hope safe home is a program under Wells of Hope Ministries where women that are being released from incarceration and cannot immediately go back to their communities can find shelter.

Be a prayer partner

Women Safe Home

Offer counselling

Women Safe Home

Train a woman

Women Safe Home

Donate items

Women Safe Home

What we do

Well of Hope safe home is a program under Wells of Hope Ministries where women that are being released from incarceration and cannot immediately go back to their communities can find shelter.

Prison Reentry Sensitization

Well of Hope safe home is a program under Wells of Hope Ministries where women that are being released from incarceration and cannot immediately go back to their communities can find shelter.

Offer Orientation

Well of Hope safe home is a program under Wells of Hope Ministries where women that are being released from incarceration and cannot immediately go back to their communities can find shelter.

Gate Pick Up Services

Well of Hope safe home is a program under Wells of Hope Ministries where women that are being released from incarceration and cannot immediately go back to their communities can find shelter.

Offer The Basic Needs

Well of Hope safe home is a program under Wells of Hope Ministries where women that are being released from incarceration and cannot immediately go back to their communities can find shelter.

Reuniting The Women

Well of Hope safe home is a program under Wells of Hope Ministries where women that are being released from incarceration and cannot immediately go back to their communities can find shelter.

Imparting a Skill

Well of Hope safe home is a program under Wells of Hope Ministries where women that are being released from incarceration and cannot immediately go back to their communities can find shelter.

Formerly Incarcerated Women Association



Women Safe Home

Access to Justice

Access to Justice

Women Safe Home



Women Safe Home

Our Wish list

1.A permanent place for the half way home- (Usd. 500,000) 2. Startup capital to support income generating projects for the women. The following are businesses to start with:
  • Selling vegetables, selling second hand clothes, rearing local breed chicken, making liquid soap and shampoo, roasted groundnuts, soya, popcorn, simsim, daddies (Usd.9 to Usd. 43)
  • Road side businesses like frying and selling chips, plantain, maize, samosas, selling open shoes women clothes/ children and hand bags, farming tomatoes, onions, pineapple, watermelon, stationary business (Usd. 57 to Usd.141)
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